Sunday, August 11, 2013

Progress, Progress, Progress!

Hey everyone! So much has happened since the last Blog post. We hit our 100 Sub mark! That's something to be proud of. In just over a month, to see such huge growth its really amazing. And a special thanks goes out to everyone who is in that club. You guys can always say you have been with us since before 100 subs. You all hold a special place in IG history, and the Illiterate Gamer's hearts (or should I say Kingdom Hearts).

We have officially partnered with YouTube in order to take advantage of certain channel features. Scheduled uploads, custom thumbnails, better relevance, and of course livestreaming are all things that will help the channel become even more professional.

That said, if anyone has any thumbnail ideas for our series please feel free to submit them via email. ( and we'd be happy to consider them for our video series. We want our channel to be interactive, and we want our viewers to help build something great. You are awesome and keep being awesome!